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Work Details

Name of WorkP/L 60mm and 80mm thick Interlocking tiles in Ward No.6 and 7 Patiala
Town NameIT Patiala
District NamePATIALA
Approved Amount 95.46
Awarded Amount91.35
Award Letter RefPIT/2020/ 1490 Dated 10/9/2020
Sr.No First Visit Progress Second Visit Progress Third Visit Progress Fourth Visit Progress

2020-12-01 00:00:00
Comment: At the time of visit the work of spreading of fine sand to fill the joints of i/l tiles was in progress.  Brooming on i/l tiles was not done properly & the surplus sand not lifted from the site.
2020-12-01 00:00:00
Comment: Thickness of lean concrete and bedding sand in front of Ajit singh house, in front of Jalota niwas and in front of UPIN no. 09005392 checked and found in order.  A sample of 08nos. interlocking t
