Inspection Details

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Work Details

Name of WorkP/L of WBM, 50mm thick BM and SDBC Gakhal to nahla along canal.
Town NameMC Jalandhar
District NameJALANDHAR
Approved Amount 62.55
Awarded Amount60.74
Award Letter RefCE/W/156 13.01.2021
Sr.No First Visit Progress Second Visit Progress Third Visit Progress Fourth Visit Progress
1 2022-01-13 00:00:00
Comment: The existing roads were katcha road. Proper X-sections should be prepared before starting the filling of earthwork (more than 01 feet) proper compaction should be done& the record of compaction sh
2021-09-22 00:00:00
Comment: Base should be properly compacted before laying of BM-PC & Proper record of Quality assurance as per PMIDC guidelines for PIDB work should be maintained & shown to third party team on next visit. The
2021-04-10 00:00:00
Comment: The thickness of WBM was randomly checked near open land and found 6”.which is as per provisions made in the estimate. No copy of test results of Aggregate Impactt value, grading of aggregates, bin
