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Work Details

Name of WorkP/L of WBM, BM and SDBC on road from Sher Singh Colony to Leather complex pully.
Town NameMC Jalandhar
District NameJALANDHAR
Approved Amount 32.99
Awarded Amount32.03
Award Letter RefCE/W/115 14.12.2020
Sr.No First Visit Progress Second Visit Progress Third Visit Progress Fourth Visit Progress
1 2022-01-13 00:00:00
Comment:  At the time of visit the work was Just started.  The existing roads were katcha road.  Proper X-sections should be prepared before starting the filling of earthwork (more than 01 feet) p
2021-10-01 00:00:00
Comment: Aggregate particles of WBM should be compacted properly and well mixed. No proper camber (cross fall) is provided in sub base & base. No proper template has been provided to check thickness of each

